


平賀 富一(ひらが とみかず)大阪成蹊大学国際観光学部教授
Dr. Tomikazu Hiraga, Professor of International Business at Osaka Seikei University /e-mail: hiraga@osaka-seikei.ac.jp

研究・専門分野/ Research field

グローバル/国際 経営・国際経済(アジア地域を主とする)・国際人的資源管理
International Business and International Economy mainly in Asia and Global HRM

自己紹介・経歴/ Profile and background


Dr.Hiraga is in charge of making research and teaching mainly on the Global/Asian company management and economy, globalization of service industry. Also very much interested in the global HRM. Recently tends to have more opportunities to deliver his lectures about further globalized corporate strategy and activities to company executives and managers, professors, senior government officials and highschool students at home and abroad.

職歴/ Professional Experience


・早稲田大学トランスナショナルHRM研究所 招聘研究員(2010年−現在)

After graduating from University of Tokyo with Bachelor of Economics, he Joined Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance (Tokio Marine Group) in 1979
(mainly in charge of international business, Corporate strategy and life insurance business), thereafter had business careers such as Ministry of Foreign Affairs (in charge of ODA to the Asian countries), Japan Center for International Finance (Director of Europe Dept. and Director of Asia and Oceania Dept.) and Japan Credit Rating Agency, Ltd. (General Manager & Chief Analyst of International Dept.). He had worked at NLI Research Institute since April, 2009 until March, 2018 as Executive Research Fellow & General Manager for Asia since July, 2014. Joined Osaka Seikei University as Professor of International Business in April, 2018.

Member of the Expert Group on the Challenges of the Asian Economy and Financial
Markets at Governmental Council on Customs, Tariff, Foreign Exchange and Other Transactions (2001-2003)

Members of Sub-committee on Information Development and Sub-committee on
Policy on Telecommunications and Broadcasting, Committee on Information &
Telecommunications Policy, Japan Business Federation (NIPPON KEIDANREN)

Member of the study group on Markets and Industrial Competitiveness in Asia at
Institute for Industrial Research of Kwansei Gakuin Univ.(2010-2012)

Member of Asian Study Group at Institute for international Studies and Training (IIST)

Professor of Graduate School of Management of Technology (MOT) at Niigata Univ. (2016-2018)
Lecturer of "Asia & Global Business" and "Global Management" at Sophia Univ.(2014-present)
Lecturer of "Global Management”at Toyo Univ.(2010-2018)

Adjunct Fellow at Institute for Transnational Human Resources Management at Waseda Univ.(2010-present)

学位/ Academic degrees

Ph.D.in Business Administration, LL.M., MBA and Certificate of the General Manager
Program (TGMP) at Harvard Business School

加入団体等/ Membership of academic societies

Japan Academy of International Business Studies, Japan Association of Asian Studies,
Japanese Research Association for Chinese Economy and Management, Academic
Association for Organizational Science, and Central Eurasia Research Group

